Thursday 15 July 2010

Oar No ...........

I re-joined the team late on Wednesday and subsequntly spent my first night asleep on the boat! On reflection I wish I'd joined them in the morning as the heavy rain proceeded to drip through the canvas on to my head! The morning brought no less adventure as a big gust of wind took one of our pillows and dumped it in the Thames where is sunk quite rapidly! Once rowing myself and Keith made good pace that was until a part of my oar broke. This made the effort of rowing 10 times harded as the oar kept rolling out of the rollock!

However we persisted (maybe a tad slower) and met a 'mechanic' at Windsor who fixed the probelm with some screws and a drill! After these adjustments were made we headed for lunch in a pub in Eaton. Once lunch had been consummed we pushed on with our newly fixed oar in hope of making Maidenhead by the close of play. After passing through Bray Lock (potentially the prettiest so far, also where Keith made the classic comment of were going up in the world as the lock rose !) It was deemed we should stop for a quick drink. So after mooring up we walked into Bray and frequented The Hinds Head which we later found out is owned by Heston Blumenthal who's restaurant is next door! Thankfully our pints came as you'd expect (unlike a lot of his food creations) and we were on our way! I feel I must note that Keith took this opportunity to have a Pimms instead!

Anyway we pushed on to Maidenhead (getting complimented by the Maidenhead Ladies Rowing Team en-route) and within no time we were moored up just passed the bridge! With Keith getting his tent up in record time thanks to help from Kat (30 mins instead of the 2 hours it took yesterday) we met up with some friends and family! After a good few pints and some food we tucked in for an early night ready for a big push to Henley on Friday!

For now


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